Because life is full of adventures

Category: Thoughts/Realizations

Is Writer’s Block Real?

For the last fifteen years or so I have had a hard time with my writing. While I have been able to do a little bit of writing I feel like for the most part I have had writer’s block. I say this because when I sit down to do some writing nothing comes, or if it does I feel like it is just me forcing myself to write.

The last eight years have been rough to find the time to try and write since I have been raising my children and focusing on their needs more than being able to do the things that I may want to do all the time. The first of those eight years I just had my first son, and I was still working. Two years after he was born we moved our family to another state and while I was no longer working I did become pregnant with our second and third children and I was mainly just drained all the time. Since then I have been focusing on raising my children, a few times off and on, on my own while my husband was working in another part of the state.

While I am trying to find the part of me that use to write, I am still having a hard time coming up with things to write about. I hope that this blog would help me to be able to bring back the creative writing I have missed all these years, but so far I have not been successful.

Live for Today

I started writing this blog over a year ago and in that time I have done a bit of writing, but have not had the courage to put it out into the public. In this time I have been trying to work through some things in life and work on being a better person and I feel that sometimes I am too hard on myself as I am sure many people feel.

I know that for myself it is hard to put my whole self out there for other people. It is not that I am fake or anything, but more of a fact that I find it hard to fully trust everyone, and even the ones I do trust I cannot fully be myself around. The hard thing I have found about writing a blog is being able to put myself out for everyone to read about the things I am going through, while also keeping things I do not want to share with the world.

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Recently I have had a few nights of trouble sleeping and during these times my mind has been so busy, which I believe to have been the cause of the sleeping trouble. Anyway during one of these times it came to mind about my anxiety over calling people for things. Most of the time I try to call someone about things, like if we need to find a plumber or electrician, when I make the call I always end up forgetting things I need to ask. This has caused me not to like to make a lot of calls.

Well the other night as I was thinking about these things, it dawned on me that it is even deeper than having anxiety over calling for things. Honestly I do not like to make most kinds of phone calls. I just do not have a desire to talk to people on the phone.

I realized that when I was younger even if I was to be on the phone with someone there was not a lot I would say. Mostly because I do not like to be on the phone. In all of the years I have been around my preferred method of talking to other people was either face to face or by writing to them.

It has been a strange realization for me, but I have always felt that in some ways I would have fit better in a time when there was no phones to be calling people on. Even now that I have a cell phone and can call someone anytime I wish I do not find that I have a desire to do so.

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