Because life is full of adventures

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This is all things book related

Thrillers by Anni Taylor

A while ago I found a book called Stranger in the woods: A Tense Psychological Thriller on Amazon Kindle using the Kindle Unlimited subscription and thought I would give it a try based off the description. I read this book because I wanted a change in what I had been reading after finishing the Harbinger Series by Jeff Wheeler, which I discuss the first one here and the others are on here as well, but I would rather not bog you down with a bunch of links.

Stranger in the Woods is about the photographer Isla Wilson who takes a month long job in Scottland to photograph the family and property architect Alban McGregor and wife Jessica. Deep in the woods on their property is a chilling playhouse, which Isla learns that two years prior the McGregor’s daughter, Elodie, died after being kidnapped and taken there. Alban does not want to get rid of the playhouse and even has a picture of it on his wall. Being in contact with the family daily Isla gets the sensation that both Alban and Jessica have some awful secrets. The closer Isla comes to finding out answers about Elodie, the greater danger she encounters. When a dense cover of snow blankets the town Isla finds her chances of escaping the dangers limited.

This book was amazing and it kept me on the edge of my seat through the whole book. Throughout the book some of the information starts to lead you in the direction of certain people being responsible for the happenings of the young girl. You get to read the story from the point of view of the main character Isla Wilson as well as get glimpses as to the point of view of the young girl Elodie McGregor two years before Isla came to photograph the family. I felt as though every time you have a suspicion against someone, they end up doing something that makes you second guess your assumption.

This book I feel was amazingly written and I would definitely recommend it to many people. A really good thriller that keeps you guessing at what is going to happen next. I for one did not expect it to have the outcome it has towards the end. Anni Taylor did an excellent job of suspense and conclusion.

Iron Garland by Jeff Wheeler Harbinger Book 3

Recently I got an offer from for two months free of Amazon Kindle Unlimited, which allows you to read and or listen to certain books for no additional price. Normally it is $9.99 a month for access to over one million books, of which you can have ten different books at one time. I figured that since I have the opportunity to use it for free, I might as well read the rest of the Harbinger series.

While with the first two books I used the same service to listen to the books instead of reading it myself, which took about a month each time, I decided to read the third one. Now with the first one it took a while for the book to catch my attention fully. Since that point, the other two I have read did not have that issue. I think this may be the way that the characters were introduced and the amount of time that it took to get to the more interesting happenings in the book.

As I stated this third book, I had no problem with the amount of time it took to get into the book. It was so interesting that I read the whole book in four days.

Is Writer’s Block Real?

For the last fifteen years or so I have had a hard time with my writing. While I have been able to do a little bit of writing I feel like for the most part I have had writer’s block. I say this because when I sit down to do some writing nothing comes, or if it does I feel like it is just me forcing myself to write.

The last eight years have been rough to find the time to try and write since I have been raising my children and focusing on their needs more than being able to do the things that I may want to do all the time. The first of those eight years I just had my first son, and I was still working. Two years after he was born we moved our family to another state and while I was no longer working I did become pregnant with our second and third children and I was mainly just drained all the time. Since then I have been focusing on raising my children, a few times off and on, on my own while my husband was working in another part of the state.

While I am trying to find the part of me that use to write, I am still having a hard time coming up with things to write about. I hope that this blog would help me to be able to bring back the creative writing I have missed all these years, but so far I have not been successful.

Virtual Book Club Introduction

So one of the things I have always enjoyed in life has been reading books. Now that I have four young children at home I find it hard to read sometimes. A few years ago most of my family and I stayed with my parents while we were in between houses and I joined my Mother’s book club and enjoyed reading and discussing books with other people.

While we have since moved again and I am still a part of their Facebook group and have access to the list of books they are reading throughout the year I have not been able to get myself into reading as much as I would like over the last couple of years.

Mirror Gate by Jeff Wheeler Harbinger Book 2

So it took me a while to be able to listen to this book, but I did enjoy it a little more than the first one. I had an easier time listening to this one than the first one. That may have been because I had an interest in finding out what happens to the two main characters than I did in the first book. Again the only place I could find to listen to this book is through the Amazon Kindle app.

While the first book in this series shows the differences between the two girl’s lives and the way they go about doing the things they do, this book explores some of the things they learn to do for each other once they find a way to meet. It shows the differences of their upbringings as well as how they work to overcome their differences and include one another in life.

This book shows how even though you have a plan to make changes to things in the world and want to follow the path you are trying to make, other people may not understand what you are trying to do or even accept it. In this book, you also see how the whole world is affected by the actions of just a few people sometimes and even when we are trying to change things for the better there are people out there trying to keep us from doing so.

About Me

My name is Dixie Satterfield. I am a wife of twelve years and a mother of almost seven years. I have four children, three boys, and a girl. My middle children are a boy and girl twin.

This is my most recent picture courtesy of my Sister in law Amber Baker

Life with twins has been an adventure and I know that it will be a very long adventure. So far all of our children love to learn new things and are always ready to learn. Since my oldest has been going to school his brother and sister have wanted to as well. We do learning things at home all the time, but they see big brother go off to school and want to be like him.

I am an avid reader, although with four young children I do not always have the time to read the things that I want to read. I do always try to read books with my children in hopes that they will always enjoy reading as they grow. I know that every book is some kind of adventure to be read, some are just the adventure of someone’s real life. My all-time favorite book is Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I would have to say my favorite author as a child was Dr. Suess. I remember reading all of his books that we had in our house and to this day I enjoy reading his books to my children

14 By Peter Clines

Last month my husband and I took a road trip to Las Vegas to celebrate our nephew’s Twenty-first birthday with him. For our trip, we decided to listen to a book through his Audible subscription. My husband ended up choosing 14 by Peter Clines and I would have to say he chose an excellent book.

This book was an exciting book to listen to. It was an extremely suspenseful book while keeping your interest in what is happening to and between the characters.

The story follows a guy named Nate as he moves into his new apartment and he is amazed at the prices of the rent. Upon moving into this low rent apartment he starts to notice some odd things around the place, like mutant cockroaches and strange light fixtures among other things.

You follow along as Nate meets the different tenants of his new home and starts along a path of discovery. This all starts as he meets each new neighbor and he finds small differences between all their apartments.

Journey to Finding Oneself Part One

Recently I have been doing a lot of self-reflection and trying to understand myself better. It has come to my knowledge that I have been living life in a somewhat unhealthy way, and it has been this way for a very long time. Even though I am realizing that there are things that are going to have to change in the way that I deal with some things that come up in life I know that this is also going to take me some time to learn new ways of dealing with everything and a lot more learning.

When I was growing up I was always reading books, and while I am an avid reader I am coming to understand that this was a way to escape some things in life. I know there are a lot of people who get drawn into the book they are reading and I do the same thing, but I am realizing that I also used the books as a way to hide from some of the things that I was dealing with.

While this is something I felt I needed to do in order to get through life, I have been doing it so long that I do not know how to change it. I am trying to learn new ways of dealing with hardships in life and how to be a different person.

Teaching Children

I have many years of experience working with and teaching children. I helped to care for three of my five younger siblings, worked in three different daycares, watched my nephews and nieces, as well as raising my own four children starting six years ago. Through all these years it saddens me to see slip-ups people have when trying to help children to learn. I of course especially hate when I find myself doing the things that I know can be more harmful to a child’s learning. I know that we all make mistakes since we are only human, but I also know I can do better at teaching my children and the children around me. I know that I am not an expert on children, even with all the experiences I have had, but I still feel that things I am learning or have learned can help someone else to find the path that they may be seeking to help their children.

I had all of this written out once before, but felt it was sounding much more judgemental than I wanted to and so here I am rewriting it. I am in no way a judge to anyone on how they help children but am hoping to make sure we are aware of the way we interact with children to keep them positive about learning. I do believe that sometimes when we talk with children we may forget that there is still a lot they do not understand. I try to remember that these little brains are interested in learning, but can only take in so much at a time.

I know that as human beings we sometimes get set in our ways, and while that can be good in some instances, yet there are definitely times when it can have the opposite effect of what we are looking for. As an example, I have noticed people who may have grown up with dogs as pets and are used to dog training methods, but when they are around young children and end up using such methods on the children it will have a negative effect. There have been times when I find myself saying things that I know can hurt the joy of learning and I have to correct it so that my children will want to continue to learn. Now I am in no way an expert on dog training as I have only had dogs for pets in my adult life and out of all the ones I have had I have only been responsible to help train two of them. This being said maybe I am just naive, but when training a dog and telling it “bad” for something wrong it did, the dog gets that it was in the wrong and after a few times of hearing this stops the behavior. I understand using short commands such as this, but I think it still has a negative effect on the animal. While I have seen the same technique used on children occasionally I know that this negative effect can cause the child to lose interest in the thing they were trying to learn.

Some of My Favorite Books

I have been reading for a long time. Not sure exactly how long, but as long as I can remember I have enjoyed reading books. I remember going to the local city library or to the library a city over. We always had library books in our house as well as our own books that were always in the house.

Some of the books that I remember reading are Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Anne of Green Gables and many others. Every time we went to the library I would get new books and now I am helping my children learn to love books as well.

My first year in High School I took a science fiction class and one of the books we read was Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. Ever since that first time I read it it has been one of my favorite books. To be honest it is the only book I remember reading in school that year. I cannot recall any of the other books that we read.

I have read that book a few times since then, and have tried to read every book from the series plus the Shadow series. All of them are good books and I enjoy all of them. Ender’s Game is one that I recommend to anyone I meet who is looking for a good book to read.

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