My name is Dixie Satterfield. I am a wife of twelve years and a mother of almost seven years. I have four children, three boys, and a girl. My middle children are a boy and girl twin.

This is my most recent picture courtesy of my Sister in law Amber Baker

Life with twins has been an adventure and I know that it will be a very long adventure. So far all of our children love to learn new things and are always ready to learn. Since my oldest has been going to school his brother and sister have wanted to as well. We do learning things at home all the time, but they see big brother go off to school and want to be like him.

I am an avid reader, although with four young children I do not always have the time to read the things that I want to read. I do always try to read books with my children in hopes that they will always enjoy reading as they grow. I know that every book is some kind of adventure to be read, some are just the adventure of someone’s real life. My all-time favorite book is Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I would have to say my favorite author as a child was Dr. Suess. I remember reading all of his books that we had in our house and to this day I enjoy reading his books to my children

My four children courtesy of my sister in law Amber Baker

I am an aspiring writer. I loved to write and have since I was a teenager, but this last decade I have not written as much as I used to. Not only that I seem to be at the moment stuck with what to write. Some people have called this writer’s block, others have said there is no such thing. But whatever it is I have not been able to write a I have before and so I am trying to find my way back to writing. As I figure out ways to help me I hope that they somehow will help someone else as well.

Writing this blog has turned out to be a little harder than I expected. While I am writing about things that are dear to me, I find it hard to write about them at the same time since it is putting myself out there more than I am comfortable with doing. I have lived a life of keeping to myself and so writing publicly is a little hard to do and quite a bit scary. This is something I am hoping will help me find my way in writing again so I will continue to work on it. Another thing I have noticed that is keeping me from moving forward with this blog is that I have been trying to follow the advice of other bloggers in how they are successful in blogging and making a little money from it, which would be helpful to my family. In trying to follow their advice I have noticed that I am not being true to myself because I am trying to follow their ways and not my own. With that I feel like this blog will be written the best they way that I feel and not to follow someone else’s ideas of what a blog needs to be. We all need to write for ourselves and to express ourselves with our writing and doing so one set way does not help anyone.

Family Picture by Amber Baker

I was born and raised in California and moved to New Mexico as an adult. After ten years of living there my husband, son and I moved to Washington state where my husband had a job. We lived there for a little over a year and then moved around California for different jobs that my husband has had. My family has been on the move off and on for the last five years, and are hoping to be done moving for a little while now.

I have held jobs working with children off and on since I was of the age of 15 in daycare/preschool settings. I worked for a brief time in the office at my father’s cabinet business. I have worked with people who were disabled and could not take care of themselves. I helped run an assisted living home for disabled and people who could no longer care for themselves. I have done these things as I have said since the age of 15, and although I have not held a job outside our home, I feel that I am doing the job that I am responsible for doing at this time.