Last month my husband and I took a road trip to Las Vegas to celebrate our nephew’s Twenty-first birthday with him. For our trip, we decided to listen to a book through his Audible subscription. My husband ended up choosing 14 by Peter Clines and I would have to say he chose an excellent book.

This book was an exciting book to listen to. It was an extremely suspenseful book while keeping your interest in what is happening to and between the characters.

The story follows a guy named Nate as he moves into his new apartment and he is amazed at the prices of the rent. Upon moving into this low rent apartment he starts to notice some odd things around the place, like mutant cockroaches and strange light fixtures among other things.

You follow along as Nate meets the different tenants of his new home and starts along a path of discovery. This all starts as he meets each new neighbor and he finds small differences between all their apartments.

We listened to the book as we traveled out to Vegas and again as we drove home. Even with all the driving we did, there were still a couple of hours left upon our arrival home, which we ended up listening to a few days after returning home. By the time we had arrived home we still wanted to find out what happened to Nate and his neighbors Mandy, Xela, Tim, and Veek.

Clines keeps you interested in what is going on between all the different neighbors as well as their journey to unravel the mystery they seem to have stumbled onto in their home. The references that were made towards Lovecraft Mythos made me want to pull out our copy of one of Lovecraft’s works and read it.

In this book, we see the struggles that can sometimes be true for anyone when we let something consume every aspect of our lives. At times this can be a good thing, while others it is harmful to us. It shows us that sometimes we need to proceed with caution with things in our lives and not to let them overrun our lives.

I enjoyed the mystery aspect about the different neighbors and the way you can take guesses as to whether they have been truthful or not, as well as the fact that things in you may start to believe or think turn out not to be true. This is a good fantasy and horror book all tied into one. This is a book I would recommend to someone who is interested in these types of books. I would like to read or listen to some of his other books because I found his writing to be well done. Let me know what you think about this book if you have read it, would like to read it or would just pass it up.