In my lifetime I have read a lot, mostly of fiction variety, except for school books and a few books about writing stories. The reason I have read mostly fiction is because a lot of the non-fiction just does not keep my interest as much as a fictional work does. Now you may be expecting me to say that The 5 Love Languages of Children is an exception to this, but that was not the case at all.

While I did enjoy reading this book and feel that it has a lot of good information, but between it being a non-fiction work and being a mother of four children under the age of six it took me about four months to get through the whole thing. For myself that is a very long time, but I wanted to read this book to make sure I am showing my children love in all the ways that they need as well as make sure they can do the same throughout their lives.

Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell do an excellent job at telling the different ways we show and receive love from those we come in contact with. They tell you how and when we should be loving our children.

You will find information on how to show anyone the love you have for them even though it is talking about children.

It has a chapter for single parent homes and even briefly talks on the Love Languages in Marriage.

Other resource from Gary Chapman

They give us information on how to determine the main Love Language our children seek from us.

While their main focus is on showing our children the love they need and deserve, they also talk about disciplining children while using love to do so.

They talk about how love is a good foundation for learning. From reading this book I learned that “children are more emotional than cognitive; they remember feelings more readily than they do facts.” Information like this is important for all parents and teachers to know and understand.

This book even talks about how anger can affect the way our children perceive our love for them and how we need to be teaching our children good ways of handling and expressing anger. It is explained why a child might say hurtful things to someone they love and ways to handle these situations.

I find this book to be a useful resource to any parent, parent to be, or just anyone who deals with children on a regular basis. I would recommend this book for anyone seeking to help their children to grow up to be healthy loving and caring adults.

” children are more emotional than cognitive; they remember feelings more readily than they do facts. “

Gary Chapman & Ross Campbel

While some of the things in this book are based on verses from the Bible I still feel that everyone who deals with children regularly would benefit from reading this book. I feel that even if you are not christian based you can take the meanings from this book and apply to children and have wonderful results.

At the end of the book they give you even more recommendations for readings to help parents continue the best ways to help and understand what their children may be going through.

I found useful information in every chapter in the book including the chapter on Single parent families even though I am not a single parent. This chapter is helpful to single parents, but also to anyone who deals with single-parent families.

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