Everyone always has their own view of life and the things going on in them at any given time. Sometimes our views are pessimistic while other times they are optimistic, even other times we can have an indifferent view.

In July we ended up moving our family again in order to get a bigger place to fit us all since the children are growing and needing a little more space. Through the process of unpacking my children decided to help with some of the boxes in my room. Not only did they help to unpack them they then decided to help me with a knitting project by unraveling the yarn I had been working with. This resulted in a big tangle of yarn connected to my knitting needles.

Upon my discovery of this fun they had with my knitting I was a little frustrated, but I started removing the knot and was making great progress on it until I had to go and take care of life. When I left the job at hand to take care of other things, my children got a hold of it again and undid the progress I had made as well as making it an even bigger mess of the knotted yarn.

Progress on fixing it

When I found the new mess I was extremely upset about the progress that I had made. Right away I started on the huge mess I had to take care of. I again started to move through the process of removing the knot from the yarn.

As I sat there working out the knots I had thoughts of all the things going on in our lives at the time as well as the things each person faces in their lives. I had the thoughts that unraveling the knots in the yarn is like trying to unravel or fix the things that have gone wrong in your life. I thought about how in life we all have things that we have to go through and the way we sometimes let the things in life affect us.

At one point my husband saw me working hard and being a little frustrated at what I have had to do before me. He tried to help me and let me know it was okay to not take the time to unravel it, and while I had thought of that as well while removing the knot. To me it was like the world telling me to just give up on life. Not to fight for the things that I thought were important.

One of the knots

While I had the thoughts that I did I also knew that my husband was just trying to help me not to be stressed about some little thing that we could just cut off. There is always the possibility to cut something off, but to me, that was the same as giving up on trying the things in life that we want to do.

It may seem like I was ignoring what he was saying, but I was feeling like it was going against the things that I was aiming for in life. While I have been trying to work on things in my life to make it better, I kept feeling that like this yarn things had been so tangled up, that I would never be able to work things out to the way I was trying to.

In life, we can all feel like everything is going against us and be so discouraged with what we are doing that we just give up on it. There have been times in my life that things have been so hard that I just want to give up and sometimes I have, but I am more of a person who doesn’t like to give up on myself or other people or even on some yarn that has gotten tangled. I always want to be helpful to those around me and to make sure they have the feeling that they are worth the effort they sometimes have to give to life.

Life is hard for everyone no matter what they believe in, in life. We all have trials that we have to face and decisions that we have to make, but we always need to keep on fighting for the things that we want in life. If we show that we are willing to fight for or keep pushing at the things that we need in life they will eventually work out for our benefit.

Yes, I knew that I could always cut the yarn off and not mess with the knotted part of it, but if I did that I would never be able to feel that I made an accomplishment by finishing the project I had been working on or even the project of untangling the yarn. Sitting around trying to take out the knots in the yarn allowed me some time to think about things that were happening in life and the actions I was hoping to be able to take. Someone else may have seen what I was doing as a waste of time, but while I was working on the yarn I was also able to work on things in my mind that at other times I was not able to due to always being on the go with my four children.

Working on the yarn showed me that sometimes we need to take a step back from life and readjust what we are doing in order to make progress on our goals. Anytime I got frustrated with the yarn I would stop working on it and do something else, just to return to it at a later time and be able to work through the knot I was on. This allowed me to take out the knot at a time when I was more prepared for it. The same can be said about things in life because of a new look or break from what we are trying to do. In life, we need to remember to take breaks so that we can give the problem we are facing a new perspective.

I feel that we need to remember that life is hard, and that we all need breaks sometimes from the things coming at us, but that we need to keep fighting for the things we know to be good for us. I know there will be people who think it was stupid of me for continuing on with the yarn, but in the end when I was finished I felt good about myself and what I was able to accomplish with it.

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